All-on-4 Dental Implants – San Antonio, TX

Rebuilding Your Smile with Just Four Implant Posts

Senior woman with pink shirt and glasses

Dr. Patel can use dental implants to replace any number of teeth in your mouth. However, it typically isn’t necessary to use a separate implant post for each individual tooth. With the All-on-4 procedure, we only need four strategically placed implant posts to completely restore your smile. Call us today to learn more about the benefits of All-on-4 and why it might be the best choice for filling the space in your grin.

Why Choose HIC Dental – Implant & Family Dentistry for All-on-4?

  • Dental Implants Placed and Restored In-House
  • Welcoming, Homey Dental Office
  • Convenient Saturday Appointments Available

How Do All-on-4 Implants Work?

Illustration of dental implants for All-on-4 in San Antonio, TX

Like traditional dental implant procedures, All-on-4 involves placing implant posts in your jaw so that they can act as new tooth roots for a dental restoration (in this case, a full denture). However, with All-on-4, we strategically place each post in the areas of the jaw where the bone is thickest. To this end, we will insert the two implants near the back of your mouth at a 45-degree angle. By making the most of the available bone tissue, we can potentially avoid needing to perform a bone graft.

Once the implants are in place, they can form a strong bond with your jawbone and start performing the same functions as your natural tooth roots, such as preventing bone loss.

Am I a Candidate for All-on-4 Implants?

Senior woman with scarf outside and smiling

You may be a candidate for All-on-4 if:

  • Most or all of the teeth in your upper or lower arch are missing.
  • You are healthy enough for minor oral surgery.
  • You do not have gum disease or another oral health issue that can lead to implant failure.
  • You can maintain excellent oral hygiene during and after the All-on-4 process.

Notably, patients who have been told they are ineligible for traditional implant dentures due to a lack of jawbone density may still be candidates for All-on-4. The way the implants are placed means that the All-on-4 procedure can often be completed even after bone loss has occurred.

Benefits of All-on-4 Implants

Multiple senior men and women outside and smiling

All-on-4 is becoming increasingly popular as a way to replace entire rows of missing teeth partly thanks to these important advantages:

  • You can brush and floss your new teeth as if they were natural teeth.
  • The implant posts will stimulate the jawbone to prevent it from deteriorating.
  • Your new teeth will be strong enough to handle all of your favorite foods.
  • The implant posts can typically be expected to last 30 years or more with the right maintenance.

All-on-4 VS Traditional Implants

Illustration of All-on-4 in San Antonio, TX for the lower arch

The All-on-4 procedure may not seem all that different from a traditional dental implant treatment, but there are several distinctions:

  • With traditional dental implants, as many as eight posts may be needed to support full dentures. All-on-4 only requires four, meaning less surgery and fewer posts to pay for.
  • Bone grafting is often required before traditional dental implants can be placed. All-on-4 can eliminate the need for a bone graft and take several months off your treatment plan.
  • The implants placed during the All-on-4 procedure are often able to support a temporary denture right away. In other words, you can get new teeth on the same day as your implant surgery.

All-on-4 FAQs

Are you trying to determine whether All-on-4 is the best choice for your smile? Or are you trying to get a feel for what to expect during the treatment? Whatever questions you might have about All-on-4, our team has the answers! Check out the FAQs below to see what we have to say about a few of the inquiries that people tend to bring up regarding this procedure. If there’s anything else you want to ask, feel free to reach out to us.

Does the All-on-4 Procedure Hurt?

The process of having All-on-4 dental implants placed is actually more comfortable than you may expect. A local anesthetic will be administered before the treatment begins, and you have the option of being sedated for the procedure.

While you’re waiting for your mouth to heal after All-on-4 surgery, there may be some slight swelling and discomfort. Such symptoms should eventually go away on their own (and if they don’t, you should let us know as soon as you can). To manage your discomfort, it often helps to take an over-the-counter pain reliever and periodically apply a cold compress to any swollen areas.

How Long Does All-on-4 Surgery Take?

Obviously, the answer to this question won’t be exactly the same for every patient. The average estimate is around two hours for a single arch, but there are some variables that need to be taken into account. For example, if there are still some teeth remaining in the arch in question, they will have to be removed before the dental implant posts can be placed. Naturally, the need for tooth extractions can affect the overall timeline of All-on-4. We can give you a more detailed estimate of how long the surgery should take once we have looked at your mouth and gained a better understanding of your situation.

How Do You Maintain All-on-4 Dental Implants?

There are no special tricks for taking care of All-on-4 dental implants. You simply need to make a point of brushing at least two times a day, flossing regularly, rinsing with antibacterial mouthwash, and visiting your dentist for routine checkups and cleanings. As you may have noticed, these are all things you likely already do to take care of your natural teeth. Because of that, many patients find it very easy to get used to maintaining their All-on-4 implants.

Will Dental Insurance Cover All-on-4?

Certain aspects of the All-on-4 procedure may be covered by your dental insurance while others might not be. For example, you can often expect your plan to pay for the denture, but it may not cover the dental implant posts. Of course, there are many different dental insurance companies to choose from, and the specifics of the coverage they provide can vary from plan to plan.

It’s worth double-checking your benefits to see what is or isn’t covered. Our team can go over your dental insurance plan with you if there’s anything you don’t understand.